Spell, Ritual or Spirit Candle Giveaway Sunday 06-20-2021

water flame

Spell, Ritual or Spirit Candle Giveaway Sunday 06-20-2021

“Blessings On Your Summer Solstice”
In the memory of a LaVey.
These are the small 4″ candles — you can go get one and light it in memory of a loved one. We do this as a positive thing for ourselves in memory of others.

We can’t light candles for our dead in a Temple or a Church. Think about it like a resistance candle if you want to. 

The Role Of Candles In Religion | Melt Candles
Candles are amongst the oldest human inventions still in widespread use today, so it makes sense that they?re used by so many major world religions.

Participating are:
The Crooked Path


The Green Man Store


Featured Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

Candle links:


Divining on the Wind | Karma and Dharma

Lotus and Lilly

Divining on the Wind | Karma and Dharma

Modern Urban Aeromancy

Working the path in both worlds — the spirit world and the physical world | I overheard this phrase this morning: “It’s too late for our luck” from someone walking by. I was not involved in this conversation it’s from a passerby so it becomes a random gift from the world to think about. “It’s too late for our luck”

Karma and Dharma come to mind. The actions you take on the path of your life are what we are talking about. The crossroads is where the choices are made. This is where you ask your spirit or the gods and goddesses for direction and protection. When you take the first steps down a path in your life, literally and figuratively at the same time you are taking actions or walking step by step down a path. Continue reading “Divining on the Wind | Karma and Dharma”
