The Shrine or Sanctuary

The Shrine or Sanctuary

The Spirits or Deities of the night or underworld technically would be among Hecate’s properties if you are using the Anatolian Greek or Romans religions OR sometimes they are called cosmologies.

I like the night deities because I like the night time.
They are all easier to explain if you look at them like this:


A couple of good places to look at to start is here:

Technically my inherited Hecate Temple or Shrine in the USA is simplified as Hekate (Hecate) at the Crossroads. I usually point people to a number of professors and scholars who have worked with her for years. They are more informed than I am. I am good for Apocrypha (1) but I am not at the “professorial or scholar level”.

If you could please understand that I do not wish to talk to people about the apocryphal traditions or usage because that is personal and is usually taught orally. In the Christian system people get paid to research and talk about those religious subjects. (think pastors, preachers, priests) I will absolutely not interfere with anyone’s livelihood. People deserve to be able to “secure the necessities of life” by writing, thinking , talking, teaching about religions. I am not one of those people fortunate enough to be in a position to do that for a living either part time or full time so please talk to other people about these subjects. I am best at being diplomatic about facilitation between people.


(1) The word’s origin is the Medieval Latin adjective apocryphus, “secret, or non-canonical”, from the Greek adjective ἀπόκρυφος (apokryphos), “obscure”, from the verb ἀποκρύπτειν (apokryptein), “to hide away”.

The Voice of God or Goddess

The Voice of God or Goddess

What is the voice of God?
What is the voice of Goddess?
What does it sound like? When did you first hear the silent voice of the spirit of the Gypsy, Pagan, Caravan
Was it in Europe after WWII with the 60 million ghosts?Germany?Poland? Czechoslovakia? Ukraine? Russia? Okinawa? Tarawa? Bataan? Pearl Harbor? Tunisia? Egypt? Iraq? Palestine? Israel? Iran?Afghanistan?
60 million ghosts

When I moved in my birth family came out here and asked my immediate neighbors to please not yell my name at me as I had a birth defect and my heart would race for about 45 minutes if you yelled at me or frightened or scared me. This next part is only true if I am remembering it correctly—they talked to the city community patrol and or the city attorney about the Greek/Anatolian front yard blessing for a Hekate shrine that we all performed —so there would be no evil spirits or ghosts here. The City of Redlands (people who worked for the city) at that time said they could not support the shrine with city services and because they did not know what it was or what happened in the family Hekate sanctuary they said the only thing they could do was not to respond for a hour to the property which would give people time to do what ever they had to do and figure out what was going on before the police got here.

This made some sense to me as we do have about 3-6 cars a day that are tourists. (It works out to about 80,000 dollars in yearly tourist spend) I think the police thought it was a Wiccan shrine and people would be dancing around naked under the full moon. They have repeatedly said in public to the neighborhood that they don’t care what is going on inside private property in this neighborhood.

This presented a couple of problems to the neighborhood and myself. Ghost hunters and spiritualists were already here and people have been doing séances in Redlands since the revival of “Christian Spiritualism” in the early 1900’s. Redlands California is known as one of the most haunted towns in the Inland Empire. This is fine but to Pagans, Neo-Pagans and Wiccans especially Hecate’s the whole ghost-hunting environment is a problem because they are trying to pray to God or the Goddesses and having people fake ghosts by talking as if they are spirits is the absolute worst thing for their OR any religion, all around the world.

Unfortunately the local Christian protestant population decided that they would try to fake spirits and ghosts to convince people to come to their Christian churches They said they had the answers for people about the silent voice of God or Goddess that people sometimes hear when they pray.

This is so very wrong to do to people who sometimes think they hear God, The Goddess and/or The Holy Spirit or Jesus answering their prayers, that it get’s everyone very upset at Christians for trying to fake ghosts to get you to go to their churches. Sometimes around here they will sit there and say evil things to you to try to get you to do evil things like steal things or try to get you to hurt other people— they are doing this to fake the voice of Satan or the devils in your mind. They will walk right up to you and say that the little voice in your mind is Satan and you should come to their church because Jesus Saves.

People who practice Islam for example (it’s all religions actually) abhor this type of talking because it’s evil. It is evil to speak evil thoughts to other people, to try and get them to do evil things that are against their religion. In the United States of America it’s against the constitutional freedom of religion to do this. Everyone has the right to practice his or her own religion and to live in peace. When people tell other people to do evil things that are against their religion under the guise of saying we are talking to you because it’s our religion to talk to people like ghosts: “We are the Christian Spiritualists” (1) it’s unconstitutional to do that.

Christian protestants are usually the ones that have a major problem with this and I will use them as an example: What if you are a devout Christian and you have been praying all your life to Jesus for an answer from God. What if God actually answers you personally in a quiet voice in your mind that only you can hear? This is a problem because to certain protestants they believe that is the voice of Satan or the devil in your mind that only tells you to do evil things or sin.

They actually believe that the part of their human brain that thinks of the worst thing to do, the actual bad or evil thought is the fallen angel called Lucifer or Satan speaking directly to them silently in their minds. This is WRONG because if Satan or the Devil is speaking the evil thoughts to you in your mind then God or the Holy Spirit can speak to you also.

Which one is Jesus or God or the Holy Spirit and which one is a demon or fallen angel we don’t know for sure because man’s own brain provides the thoughts that we think. The thought voice in your mind is your own it is only when you hear another “internal thought voice” in there that you should pay attention to what you are hearing. The rest of the time it’s just your own thoughts. We cannot tell people that the other voice if they ever hear it is only the devil because what if it’s God or Goddess?


(1) Or the KKK or the white supremacist people who do this and say it’s part of their religion.

They say: “We are the spiritualists, we are talking to you like the ghosts or spirits. We do not like you to respond to us. That’s all we are asking you to do is not respond because we are spiritualists. That’s our religion.”

For over 50 years now they have asked The Church of S-T-N for protection forgetting that it is actually The Church of Opposition and has holocaust survivor families in it, all over the USA. The KKK’s problem in California is that The Hells Angels and other motorcycle and car clubs were founded by returning servicemen who’s units opened the death camp gates and helped the holocaust survivors. They came back with spirits and ghosts of their own and we recognize their connection (and other groups as well) with the Spirit of The Gypsy The Pagan, The Caravan at the Crossroads as being a legitimate one.

The bones and the blood are mixed in the concrete angel.

Bones and blood, fire and air
The concrete angel is always there.

The Under Representation of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Pupils in Higher Education

The Under Representation of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Pupils in Higher Education.

Please click the link below to learn more.

This is a UK studies survey.
Interesting to read this from a United States of America perspective.

Block Quote:

How are ‘Gypsy, Roma and Traveller’ groups defined?T1.1 Subgroups

The term ‘Gypsy, Roma and Traveller’ is a collective name for a range of diverse ethnic groups and is the term most commonly used in the UK today. Classifying an individual within this group depends not only on their ethnicity, heritage and way of life but on their self-identification as a member of a particular group and their preference to be defined by certain terms.

Current subgroups in the UK can be broadly categorised as ‘ethnic travellers’ and ‘cultural travellers’. ‘Ethnic travellers’ include ‘Romany Gypsies’, most of whom originated in India and either settled in the UK up to 500 years ago or migrated here more recently from Europe, and ‘Travellers’ of Irish and Scottish descent.

‘Cultural travellers’ include those who became travellers through occupational choices. These groups also include those who have ceased to live a nomadic lifestyle. Drawing together the range of de nitions and categories used within the literature, a possible typology of the main subgroups within the GRT collective is illustrated in Table 1.

Though distinct from one another these groups share a number of characteristics both in terms of culture and lifestyle, and the signi cant disadvantages they face within the education system and society more broadly. Common cultural factors include:

•The importance of family and community
•A historically nomadic lifestyle (although this only applies to around one third of Gypsy, and Traveller families today. Often, although Roma people may migrate, they do not adopt a nomadic lifestyle through choice)
• An oral tradition
• A historic preference for self-employment (Ryder and Green elds, 2012)

GRT groups arguably constitute the most marginalised ethnic group in today’s society, sharing multiple disadvantages including:

• The poorest health outcomes in the UK
• Lower than average life expectancy
• Poor educational attainment and low levels of qualification
•Considerable prejudice, racism and discrimination

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