Official Magic and Witchcraft News | Wild Magic of the Hare Moon – Full Moon in Scorpio by Michelle Boxley

Wild Magic of the Hare Moon – Full Moon in Scorpio by Michelle Boxley

Official Magic and Witchcraft News | Wild Magic of the Hare Moon – Full Moon in Scorpio by Michelle Boxley

ED Comments:
Nice Article, Classical and Modern Style for Women From the UK Re: Scorpio Moon. Worth the read for the Goddess descriptions.

ED Selected Excerpt:
Key words/themes associated with Scorpio are: transformation, passion, death, karma, emotions, intuition, magic, regeneration, rebirth, sovereignty, the witch, the dark goddess, the liminal.

Happy full moon dearest moonbeams! May’s full moon goes by a few different names – the flower moon, the hare moon, the corn planting moon and the milk moon. We are connecting to it as the Hare Moon as we’re still bathing in the energy of Beltane and the […]

Sisters of the moon is an online platform and community for women to gather and learn about the cycles of the moon and the earth.
Sisters of the Moon Home Page
Sisters of the Moon Home Page


Witch Sanctuary Rules

Image by sobima from Pixabay

Witch Sanctuary Rules | Here are some of our Witch rules

Please Introduce Yourself.

It is really very simple.
• If you do not do this then we are not having a conversation.
• If you have to say this to someone else then they might be rude and inconsiderate of others.

Introduce Yourself and Respond Please

• You do not have any legal protection under the law unless you introduce yourself first. In the real world this is the way it always works diplomatically and  legally.
• If you do not respond then there is no relationship at that time diplomatically and legally.
• If you do respond then there is a relationship between the parties in the conversation and you have some other different legal and diplomatic rights.

If you can not do that because you are wanted by the law or doing something illegal at the time then you will not get a response.

Don’t tease me

Trespass Example

IF you are trespassing on someone else’s private property and you do not introduce yourself when you see someone THEN you are breaking the law.

Further Explanation:
A criminal or someone committing a crime will not introduce themselves or use their real name when talking to others especially when in the act of doing something illegal. This is how you know that they know they are in the act of committing a crime. If you respond to someone in the act of committing a crime then there is some kind of a relationship between you and the other person. You can tell them to stop doing what they are doing and to leave your private property if you want to, but this is the reason for no-trespassing signs. Legally you need to put a barrier to entry up if you do not want people to trespass. Legally you need to have a sign if you wish to have  the no trespassing law enforced on it’s own. Otherwise there can be a reasonable doubt about whether a crime was committed or not in the State of California.

Verbal Harassment Example

IF you are trying to talk to someone without being seen OR using your real name THEN there is a reason to suspect that you are aware that you  AND/OR  your conversation is uninvited. If a conversation is uninvited then if you want to, ask them what they want: What do you want?
IF they respond that they do not want anything then ask them to stop talking to you.

Yes we have rules for kids because sometimes it really is kids.

Featured Image by sobima from Pixabay
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

Official Witch News: Who is Selling Market items as Ingredients for Witchcraft on Moroccan YouTube?

Official Witch Magic News: Magic in the Market
Selling Market items as Ingredients for Witchcraft on Moroccan YouTube

The Witch Says: Interpreting  what you see in a market scene with furs and spices and lotions in jars as Witchcraft is a bit more Bazaar than Bizarre. This has been going on “Like for Forever” in Bazaars and is the second or third time I have seen a article like this about Moroccan Witchcraft in 5 years. It’s unfair to sellers to try to drive them out of the souk when they call something magic. When you talk about shawafas that’s something different.

The real magic is in the photo below:

Photo by Ash Valiente from Pexels
It’s just magic: There is no sin within my heart

Read More


In the photo of the Moroccan market those are egg shells for sale, herbs and spices, pelts and furs and little stuffed animals.
Commanding more than 12 acres of pristine seclusion, tranquil lakes and inspiring panoramas, Palais Namaskar hotel in Marrakech explores new…


Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

Photo by Ash Valiente from Pexels

Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

Official Magic and Witchcraft News
Official Witch News