This would be Mercury, Maui, The Trickster, Loki, Enki at work

This would be Mercury, Maui, The Trickster, Loki, Enki at work.

The religious system of description (1) varies, the most appropriate would be Mercury because that combines commerce and the trickster attributes or roles. The communal spell was probably in fact a type of a wish. I was not involved in it. It was humorous to me and fit the circumstances well. When I lived in Hawaii I grew accustomed to these everyday explanations of things that happen like “magic”. It’s a fun communal way to describe and interact with your world. We did not ascribe everything to the work of the gods and goddesses because that negates the free will of the human being. It’s only when it is sufficiently random or a mystery that it takes on the properties of “something magic”.

There I was eating my breakfast pie and looking at the news on Yahoo and well, the picture says it all: Trump interacting with the press is all about the flying kitty cats. Every time I see him and the press I think “OMG this is like flying kitty cats, how distracting ;-)” see pic below for a screen snap of a video ad after a Trump press conference:

Trump was a flying kitty cat
Trump was a flying kitty cat today according to the ad gods of the interwebs which makes sense if you watched the video on Yahoo. It’s a Witch thing, it really is.;_ylt=Awr9DWnrFPBc4GQAYJJXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEycWM5amxrBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjI5NDRfMQRzZWMDc2M-


Witch hunt mentioned here. People said they were trying to cast spells on Trump so he could not get anything done. So, “the trickster god’s” response is basically “the flying kitty cats curse” [Witches and cats, get it? they did not ask for something specific so,.. LOL] If you watch the videos it basically sounds like President Trump and the press are “flying kitty cats” at each other.
What am I talking about?

Witches cast a spell so Trump could do no harm or get anything done without hurting him.

The obvious answer from Mercury (commerce and trickster) is his press conferences are like “flying kitty cats” and if you watch them it sure seems like it. The words witch hunt were mentioned but not on the Yahoo page with the video. There was also no mention of the word cat.  So people in my neighborhood were laughing about the random occurence of a advertisement with flying kitty cats which negated his message. This is why I laughed this morning. It’s called magic. nā mea kilokilo vs kilokilo [Low Magic v.s. Sorcery].

In this case it can be attributed to Mercury in the Classical Greek system or a similar trickster in another system. What was asked for exactly was that so he could not do any business: You’re fired was “the exact wish”. The universe responded is what we used to say. Seeing it in everyday life is just a perspective that magic exists and you can relate to “the magic” of it. Absolutely real. There it is. How random is that? How magic is that? nā mea kilokilo eh brah? For realz.

It’s all about the breakfast pies and the kitty cats:

Post Script:
He’s at it again:

Really? You are telling me with a straight face that that’s not a incoming flying  kitty cat question photo?


(1) Yes there are saints that do these things also. This time? I am going with the witches version.

Brought to you by:


Pagan Christians

Yes you can be a Pagan Christian, Hawaiian Christian, etc., etc.,
If you know the Gods and Goddesses names and their stories. The stories of your homeland. The stories of  your culture. That does not make you a sinner it does not send you directly to hell. Some lessons from your people’s past are not in the Jesus book. How will you know if your leaders are lying to you about what God says if you do not know what your ancestors said before them. The old ones, the ancients, the church of the opposition that came before the current religion.


Letter to the Local Children, The Witch Fans

Letter to the Local Children, The Witch Fans

Yes I know you like me, I like you too. It’s hard to communicate together sometimes. People used to think I was brain damaged and it made life very difficult for me. It was because of the way I looked. The real reason is that there are some stories you never tell because they are very scary to adults.

Sometimes people came from miles away just to see Xxxxx Xxxxxx’s adopted son. Just to see what I looked like. Please see the page The People of Magic if you want more information. I was called a lot of names, but the secret was I was supposedly a Rus and Celt albino or a German albino or other things. Nobody knew,.. because we didn’t tell anybody.

I was born different and was in the LA Children’s hospital for 26 days:

It was the best one in California.
People said I was a miracle baby because my heart kept stopping and starting when I was in my mom. I got adopted and stayed in LA because the best chance for me was LA. Here is a preview of the people of magic page:

The People of Magic
This is what I looked like in 1981. People said I looked like a witch kid, a young wizard, or a magic pagan person from the forests.

The People of Magic. There are some very different types of Magic in the world today. There is Disney Witches and Wizards Magic, Harry Potter Witches and Wizards Magic and The Real World of Witches Wizards and Magic.

Whenever you can see the stars and moons you know you are safe. That is what the little bug thing above this sentence means to people. The name of this website is a problem to some people but they don’t know what it means:
It’s mean if you say gypsy or pagan to certain people, you should ask first.
There was a gypsy and pagan holocaust in World War II and even before that they blamed people that had candles in their homes on tables they didn’t understand. You had to look for a key on the doorway or a upside down star or other special signals or signs. That’s where that comes from —those kinds of people. It was the candle magic that brought the spirit to people even in the Lands of the Celts. Don’t forget the The Celts and The Pagans:

Bing: The Celts
Bing: The Celts
The Pagans, Paganism
Bing: The Pagans, Paganism
Snowball Rose Bush
Snowball Rose Bush

I started this post because it seemed like some people who grew up here and went through the schools in Redlands California have some issues with being “special people” as adults. I have lived here for almost 20 years now and people have told my stories to each other. The problem was I had a few evil adults who listened in to my house and told awful stories about what they heard and that was wrong. They called me a child molester. It was super mean. When people call you a child molester in a store or a restaurant OR they don’t tell your new neighbors who you really are, you can get hurt so bad that Sometimes it won’t wash off and sometimes it won’t go away. .

SnowBall Rose Bush 2
Snowball rose bush two

Back to my story:
This time I thought that I was being attacked by Neurodivergent Narwhals. It was the only thing that made sense and I asked the Inland Empire Autistic people for help to figure it out. These people were not acting like normal people. It took 15 years for some of them to confess that they were the ones that hurt me and other people I loved. This is when I was a kid in the 1970’s living in Arcadia California. They were from Redlands and we never knew it back then. I am ready to go someplace else now.

Here is the old original post that makes less sense if you don’t know my personal background and you come to visit.

Help I am being attacked by Neurodivergent Narwhals on cell phones that they are calling “Wiccan’s[Mean, that’s mean to call a cellphone a Wiccan] today and apparently some of them live near me. 05/10/19

I am a work at home web developer and the mean people found my other website because: Telling someone that you will stop harassing them if they make changes to a website is not fair.

Facebook will not let wordpress do the pretty links so here it is,..
YES I am NOT  Pathologizing this subject. 


In my life I got nailed by the perfect storm of undiscovered autism in my adopted family and friends (3+ people) plus “undiscovered” autistic people and their interaction with the elderly in my neighborhood.

Trying to be sensitive to the issues is hard when you are “small town famous” and you have kids that are fans.

The problem I am talking about here is that autism and dementia can be deadly if the combination exists within a family OR it is in a neighborhood and nobody knows about it. If it’s hidden or undiscovered and you don’t know about it you will be confused about the responses you get from people.

Some of the autistic children need coaching in dangerous situations. They need to know when to call the Police Department OR the Fire Department themselves.
If they rely on a disinterested or sick (drunk) elderly population for their cues OR judgement about what is normal and what is not, they will have problems reacting and taking care of themselves in a emergency or helping others that need their help.

Think about this example for one moment:
Someone next door says: “Help I am bleeding to death”
The possibly sick elderly say: “He’s lying” or “She’s Drunk” or “They are just lying down on the rocks” How is a autistic child (or other elderly) supposed to know what to do?
If it sounds like dangerous talk, then the talk is about danger.

Call the 911 danger experts. 

This is happening too much here and is affecting quality of life issues. Here is your local group and resources to go talk to please:

Thank you Neurodivergent Narwhals Facebook Page
Oh what are the magic words to make people understand?

We reached out to a local school hoping that this never happens again where autistic children have to rely on demented elderly (they have since passed away) to call the Police Department or Fire Department for themselves or others. Hopefully they can help teach the children and their parents about this hidden safety issue. I think it boils down to the “dangerous talk issue” [dangerous talk of all kinds].

How do you teach safety about “dangerous talk”?

I think I will leave it up to the experts on this one.
