The Proof that The Spirit of God or Divinity Can Exist on Planet Earth

The Proof that The Spirit of God or
Divinity Can Exist on Planet Earth

The search for proof that the spirit of god or divinity can exist on planet earth was what was accepted by the Oriental Orthodox, the Alexandrian Coptics as well as Judaism, Islam and some but not all Greek and Russian Orthodox as being one of the missions of The Church of Opposition. (1)  The reason to support Howard Stanton’s Church was simple, everyone exchanged information about proof of divinity on earth. This was the first United States “National Multi-National Indigenous Church”

The name was never agreed on, so it ended up being legally called the [UN Named] CoS. We never use the name in public out of respect for the spirits of the Holocaust dead we stand in for.  It was also called The Church of No Name at the Crossroads. The reason for “Jewish and Gypsy” (1)  support of what was sometimes being called “The Pagan Church in Exile” was the fact that the bones and blood were mixed in the fires of Europe. Christian support was Eastern not Catholic and not Protestant. Which fits the European, Eastern European, Middle Eastern, North African and United States of America sentiments of the time.

Hahamonghna Watershed Park
Hahamonghna Watershed Park: Features: Dogs must be on leash: Yes Length of Hike: 3 Miles Difficulty: Moderate

In every human being on planet earth the oppositionists said there exists the capability for divinity to exist, we create it in ourselves. We will it into being. We share it with each other. Even if you do not believe in God this is the first proof. You need to ask Zeena how to explain it and she has done so very well, you can listen to her Karla or Howard Stanton on YouTube. Beliefs change over time as we all grow in spirit together. [The people of humanity AND/OR The people of the human spirit]

The Witches said it existed in nature and in various spirit forms that we could access singly and together. You could see evidence of divinity on planet earth if you knew where and how to look. [The people of the trees and the seeds (nature worship)]

We looked backwards in time, we needed to find the god or goddess that controlled the in-between time, the instant between knowing and not knowing some called it creativity or the creative force. The mother earth worshippers called one of their main goddesses Aphrodite/Venus some aspects are Love, Woman, Ancestress. We agreed with the modern Greeks and Romans that this was probably best split into the Greek Aphrodite–Woman–Love and  Roman Venus–Woman–Ancestress. The primary or proto male god was undetermined but all could agree that the oldest one must be a horned god because if your women could not give milk a horned animal’s milk was safe and would raise your child. That must surely be the oldest god because his gift was milk. What were his names around the world? [The people of the ancients]

Hahamongna Park
Hahamongna Park:

We searched and found that perhaps there was a older goddess with a triple spirit force form. Just like a woman’s lifespan her divine aspects were different depending on what epithet you were praying to. She was called Hekate and her temple worship was a total mystery. We are still learning today.

We could all agree that if there was one higher god it must be the same on all over the planet Earth because we all live on Earth together and a god on one side of the earth must have created the whole thing so when we talked to “the one god” it must be the same god. What were the thousand names of God?

Were all the indigenous religions praying to different aspects of god—spirit— ancestor—forces? Were they calling  Hekate Aidonaia, Hekate Phosphoros, (the light bringer) Hekate Erodia, all of which are different aspects of Hekate. How that worked in real life we did not know but all could agree that she pre-dated most other Goddess forms and the Pagans agreed that she was appropriate for the Los Angeles Gypsy Pagan Holocaust Shrine as she had the capability to protect and ward off evil and control the crossroads to the underworld. She represented the cycle of death and rebirth like their twin goddess Morana and Vesna. Hekate would also stay with the spirits of the departed as companion after death. This was deemed appropriate by Judaism and the Orthodox as they could not be sure which soul they were laying to rest.

Hekate lit the way on the path to the other side with her torch or lantern. Nobody knew how to bury or pray for so many unknown souls so she was chosen as a caretaker until they could be properly prayed for. Islam agreed also as Hekate had the ability to control spirits and the time between time when men’s minds might be changed. More consultation was needed about male—spirit—force forms and Samael appeared but the translation of the name in the bible was done incorrectly if you looked at the context. Why would a angel be standing at the side of men. Why would an angel represent a opposing king. The search found the [New] Babylonian version of that Angel more accurate and a better fit to the biblical accounts. The Catholic Pope now uses the term The Devil rather than Satan, it’s taken 50 years for that change. The Catholic Pope now says it’s the same God all over the planet earth. Greetings and Welcome.

Always and forever the search for divinity on earth continues. IF the proof that the spirit of god or divinity can exist on planet earth CAN NOT be proven then how can you prove Jesus was the son of God created by the Holy Spirit in the Womb of Mary? How can you have miracles that God provides? How can you have Saints? Divinity must exist on earth as evidence of God or the Spirit of God otherwise it is all tricks, lies and deceit. Can you see the problem here? Recognition of what God is becomes the issue. If you have an example divinity, is it divided or a twin like Morana and Vesna? Or is it a triple like Hekate, which allows for the time-in-between-time AND the time-out-of-time? This was discussed in the CalTech and Pasadena talks.

If you like physics you can probably guess what a couple of those discussions were like. In academia proofs spread like wildfires.  If the scientific questions asked  were real or valid then the proof was part of the validation of divinity on earth, the answer would be found and it would fit within the Classical, Neo-Classical or Modern Systems. It would usually be found to be an aspect or epithet of one of the Ancients or the Syncretic Gods or Goddesses. Sometimes a hidden truth was in a ritual or a folk belief held by one faith group or another. If it sounded true then they would pursue it. You can think about it in terms of Gödel’s ontological proof that came out in 1970.

I want to go back here someday to the Hahamonga Watershed Park in Pasadena:

89.3 KPCC
Trees are being cleared from a favorite hiking spot to reduce flooding threat downstream
Credit Sharon McNary/KPCC

In answer to your unspoken question yes we hung out here as well as other places or rather we showed up and people gathered. They were called park talks sometimes. It was child visitations. He paid for the babysittters and gas money to visit him. I could usually be found in Southern California with the neighbor girls in the Pinto’s and at book signings sometimes. This is one reason why the original UNCOS is a very different church.

Devils Gate Dam

Arroyo Seco

Save Hanamogna

Personal Historical Note Sat April 27  2019 after receiving word that yet another Church shooting has occurred this time in Poway California. One woman was killed and three people were wounded. So I started writing this history note about The Hekate Sanctuary and Shrine in support.

(1) We are not talking about spirits or souls but divinity.

Hekate Pagan Memorial Lantern
Hekate lantern lit again in support of people in Poway


Notes: (1) I am very aware of the pejorative aspects of being called Jewish or Gypsy or Romani. There is a movement in the UK within the Romani community to reclaim the name and use it for themselves. It’s the same thing as saying Meo  but not Mọi for Montagnards which is French for Mountain People. All of it is a exonym. [External Name] In SoCal Gypsy Pagan was sometimes used as slang and it’s a keyword pair hence the usage here. Ask First was the whole point of the domain name. Asians usually get it instantly and ask.

Definition of exonym from, the world?s leading online source for English definitions, pronunciations, word origins, idioms, Word of the Day, and more.


A New Old Logo Design and Various Notes

A New Old Logo Design and Various Notes

New Logo:
Here is a new old combination of two Greco-Roman Pagan symbols:

I think it looks nice with the woven orbit of venus star and the triple moons. My impression is that it looks like when you put your hands together and say Namaste‘. Everybody in the neighborhood  is debating whether the star should be upside down or actually inclined to the left to be technically correct. I call them the pythagoreans because of the orbit of venus pentagram or 5 petaled lotus flower where each intersection forms the star.

The logo was recently updated to include a water lilly or a lotus as the background. The colors are from gemstones.

Ruby Lotus Hekate Moons and Star Chthonic
Ruby Lotus Hekate Moons and Star Khthonic

Another interesting comment I heard recently from a neighbor who lives close by supposedly is that the Story of Noah would be better performed or thought of as a “play”. It may have even been written to be performed was his/her thought. (I am vague on purpose as to who suggests these things) Perhaps it would be performed like in the old days where characters would walk in and out of the firelight as they illustrated their parts and said their lines.

Sapphire Lotus Hekate Moons and Star Chthonic © 2020
Sapphire Lotus Hekate Moons and Star Khthonic © 2020

Here is the background of what I was taught the history was many years ago as a child:

A pagan gypsy caravan church performance was called an enactment or performance of the rites of XYZ. This is where the old legends of the “devils church at the crossroads” started —it’s where the travelling caravan stopped and lit their fires —they talked and taught their children their cultural stories and legends. If the caravan’s main business was entertainment and the church then it was NOT called “the devils church”,  they usually did not call Aphrodite for example the devil. These were just the the older deities, before the current government changed the names of the gods and goddesses again. Temples and shrines were also called “churches” but they also served a civic function. They called the whole gypsy pagan caravan church thing the one true church because their money making business was the traveling performers, priests and priestess that included  a variety of deities. Historically this also included the  older shamanistic traditions including celtic and germanic norse with their travelling witches. The travelling church would put on plays at religious festivals as well as for more local markets. Sometimes they were families from other sanctuaries, shrines and temples who were travelling to perform a ceremony or a rite who would consent to performing a rite or praying for the sick.  These were their family temples and businesses all over the world before WWII and the cold war changed everything. Below are some pictures of shrines from all over the world.

We finally made it into the crossroads temple and shrine image pages worldwide I searched German roadside shrines and lo and behold there we are!

 OR click here

I searched Celtic roadside shrines and sure enough the mud pillars showed up.

OR Click here

Byzantine wayside shrine anyone? Yep, it’s pretty much real as heck.

These types of gypsy pagan caravan people also carried news, letters and as well as goods to trade. Later on after printing was being developed in Europe about 700 years ago, they handed out handbills and newsletters for the local trade, usually at the shrine at the crossroads where they camped and or lived. Before the advent of printing they probably carried scrolls. You could also give them money to carry things to other people for you.

The shrines along the way were usually personal or made and owned by a family or clan and if popular in the local area by bringing good luck the community supported them. I am talking about roadside or wayside shrines not the portable altar type versions. The history in Asia is probably similar but I have not personally been taught their traditions. A wayside shrine also told you about what the people were like in the area. We still have them today in the USA the modern ones look like this or like this as a gateway monument.

In ancient times you had wood and  stone or mud brick monuments sometimes with statues. The most poignant image of one I have seen yet is this painting which is from Viktor Vasnetsov. If you could not read the runes how would you know which way to go? Left, Right or Straight? This is why there was a crossroads monument with the bones of the dead. This is a shrine and a monument that tells you something. What does it say to you? If you had to leave something that told you about the water what would you say? What about the rocky way to the left or the marshy way we imagine is to the right?

Why would people come here to pray to the Gods?
Was it to talk to the spirits?

We just assume that the Russian Knight is passing through the area.
I don’t assume that at all.

A link to a bigger picture Click image below for more information.

PZ 400:06 Inv 4214
Viktor Vasnetsov: Warrior at the Crossroads, 1882
The Russian Museum

The featured image is from:

Русский: Выставка «Пейзажи Виктора Васнецова» прошедшая в доме-музее Васнецова в 2016 году  

Merry Christmas Moscow Style!

Regarding Christian bible stories that occur in other cultures:

I would rather have this story told to me by the fire than the Noah story:
It’s a Russian folk tale, a Indian folk tale and a Israeli legend that’s also  in the Bible and the Quran. Click image below for a larger image and for more information about the Legend of the Flying Carpet please read click this link to a  website who has kindly let us include them.
For more articles on rugs click here

Norsk bokmål: Den flyvende teppet» av russeren Viktor Vasnetsov. Maleri fra 1880


Pagan, Neo-Pagan are 100% Legal A Timeline of Events


We are now 100% Legal | Faith and Belief Categories in the U.S.A. Military

April 23, 2007:

Pentagram approved for U.S.A. Military graves and monuments
WICCA (Pentagram) Pentacle also what we used to call the Venus (orbit clock) sigil or the Pagan star of faith was approved for use on military monuments and headstones 

September 13, 2007:

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the UN General Assembly

Article 5:
Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.
Article 6:
Every indigenous individual has the right to a nationality

Article 11:
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to practise and revitalize their cultural traditions and customs. This includes the right to maintain, protect and develop the past, present and future manifestations of their cultures, such as archaeological and historical sites, artefacts, designs, ceremonies, technologies and visual and performing arts and literature.
2. States shall provide redress through effective mechanisms, which may include restitution, developed in conjunction with indigenous peoples, with respect to their cultural, intellectual, religious and spiritual property taken without their free, prior and informed consent or in violation of their laws, traditions and customs.

Article 12:
Indigenous peoples have the right to manifest, practise, develop and teach their spiritual and religious traditions, customs and ceremonies; the right to maintain, protect, and have access in privacy to their religious and cultural sites; the right to the use and control of their ceremonial objects; and the right to the repatriation of their human remains

February 10, 2009:

Department of Defense INSTRUCTION NUMBER 1300.17
January 22, 2014
Change 1 Effective

It is DoD policy that: a. The DoD places a high value on the rights of members of the Military Services to observe the tenets of their respective religions or to observe no religion at all. It protects the civil liberties of its personnel and the public to the greatest extent possible, consistent with its military requirements, in accordance with DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1000.29 (Reference (c)).

March 27, 2017:

Pagan, Neo-Pagan and Wicca These religions are now U.S.A. Department of Defense recognized religions for U.S.A. armed forces to practice and they can now wear the insignia on duty as well as carry religious materials with them. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the people that made this possible.

Faith-and-Belief-Codes-for-Reporting-Personnel-Data-of-Service-Members-ocr Took effect on March 31, 2017 go to the  Department of Defense Source  (bottom of page)

The inclusion of these faith based codes now automatically provides international protection for those people by treaty and customs and the relevant information can be found in the Geneva AND Hague Conventions AND The United Nations regulations and bulletins. If your country recognizes or signed those treaties you now have protection that you did not realize you had before. Know your religious rights.

This is due to the one simple fact that the U.S.A. Department of Defense including the active duty military is one of the largest single groups in the world that people respect. What the DoD and service branches are saying is they must recognize the fact that these faiths and religions are real and people in the U.S.A. military practice them. These categories allow the essential faith groups and the people participating to be legally recognized by the U.S.A. federal government and more importantly the U.S.A. military forces worldwide who will hopefully have a greater understanding of the people they serve. This also opens the door to services by the U.S.A. State Department who follow the Hague conventions as well as protection against religious terrorism domestically and internationally.

Prayers for the dying and the dead are always important for the spiritual well being of the men and women serving in the military. When you recognize these faith groups they are allowing the chaplain corps to minister to additional men and women and it opens the door to new openness and discussion that can lead to a greater respect for people of all faiths.

Here is some legal language that you can use to help explain to people how this fits in legally with U.S.A. military law.

The U.S. Constitution proscribes Congress from enacting any law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. The Department of Defense places a high value on the rights of members of the Military Services to observe the tenets of their respective religions.—Department of Defense Instruction 1300.17,

This is a legal observance this organization, activity and the people participating are protected under the following relevant international treaties and codes:

U.S.A. federal government recognition of the pagan religions: including classical, neo-classical and modern paganism are available from the  Faith-and-Belief-Codes-for-Reporting-Personnel-Data-of-Service-Members-ocr  Link to the DOD Source  This took effect on March 31, 2017.

Hague conventions apply worldwide including Rule 38 attacks against cultural property. Temple/Shrine members and keepers qualify as religious personnel protected  Under Geneva Convention II Additional protocol I Article 15(5) and Additional Protocol II Article 9(1)  and Section 9.4 of the 1999 UN Secretary-General’s Bulletin wherever they go. This also includes the participants and the un-named church who dedicated it and participated in the opening ceremonies.


2020 02 -25
Religious Ministry in the United States Marine Corps MCTP 3-30D
4 April 2018

Religious Ministry in the United States Marine Corps

Please note the inclusion as a category all of it’s own.


[ ] No religious preference
[ ] Christian
[ ] Jewish
[ ] Buddhist
[ ] Hindu
[ ] Pagan/Neo-pagan
[ ] Muslim

Specific tradition (Roman Catholic, Baptist, Sufi, Reformed, Wiccan, etc.): ________________

Religious Ministry in the United States Marine Corps APPENDIX C


Here is a link to the manual:



Featured Image:

A depiction of the “horse charm” Merseburg Incantation. Wodan heals Balder’s wounded horse while three goddesses sit (the incantation names Sinthgunt sister of Sunna, and Frija sister of Wolla) while Balder watches.

Русский: Вотан с помощью заклинания исцеляет коня Бальдра

Doepler, Emil. ca. 1905. Walhall, die Götterwelt der Germanen. Martin Oldenbourg, Berlin. Page 14. Photographed and cropped by Haukurth

The author died in 1922, so this work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author’s life plus 95 years or fewer.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1925.