Magic and Witchcraft News: The Fallen Women: I’m Done With Cautionary Tales About Women and Power

I’m Done With Cautionary Tales About Women and Power

Magic and Witchcraft News:
The Fallen Women: I’m Done With Cautionary Tales About Women and Power

The fallen woman topic is important to revisit as a cultural meme that has persisted forever.

Witchcraft has always been about personal empowerment whether the focus is on psychological self exploration or providing a way to organize daily life events that happen to you. You can explain your personal reality to yourself and others using ancient systems of classification and explanation that also include the gods and goddesses, the faeries and the realms of the spirit. Which path you pick to explore and use is up to you. It is forever new, forever young and forever on.

Magic is what happens as the result of many unseen and unknowable things including witchcraft and witchcraft has provided the secret religion to many for millenia. Asking the question: “Do you believe in Magic?” is the first step. Please visit the post called Rock and Roll Religion for a perspective that many share..

We all need to realize that a lot of people like the culture and the philosophies of magic and witchcraft. They like talking about magic, witches, and…

Scene from ‘The Craft’; Columbia Pictures Columns | Fallen Women Lilly Dancyger on casting spells and re-watching The Craft during an election season. This is Fallen Women , a monthly column by Lilly Dancyger on women coded as villains in pop culture, the power in their badness, and how […]

Magic and Witchcraft News: Why are some older witches such recluses and closed people?

Purple Blue Outdoor Light 01

Magic and Witchcraft News: Why are some older witches and wizards such recluses and “closed off people”?

The Decades Do Matter

Age matters a lot, If you were a practicing pagan in the 1960’s to 1970’s and 1980’s as a child, usually there were problems at school and on the street if you were thought to be a Witch/Warlock/Wizard or Pagan, Neo-Pagan, Wiccan. If you practiced Magic and Witchcraft it was against the religion of people in several worldwide religions to even talk to you. Children and adults would consciously pick on you and beatings were not uncommon. So you kept it a secret and denied it to everyone. That made it the secret religion. A lot of people became “damaged goods”. It makes people get sad sometimes thinking back. This is why I call JKR, JKR and I do not comment on JKR’s writing.

We stuck together tho’, like crazy.

Click for music video
iClick for music video There is no tracking code buried here plus it’s a 1 MB download per video on a phone,.. 🙁

Personally I do not trust human beings I do not know and there are demographic age ranges that I avoid due to elderly police report incidents and threats. I can live out the rest of my life as I am now and it’s OK.
Just waitin’ for a sign from one of my kind.

If you know who I am or when I introduce myself I become instantly famous and this is my blog. Have a little sympathy for you know who’s church people and we will get along great. Be Nice First, Don’t Insult Us, Don’t Threaten Our Lives we are all a bunch of Middle/Upper Middle Class+  Witches and Warlocks from the bad old days,.. even said so on TV for gosh sakes. This is where I grew up: Los Angeles California and the Z person lived in LA at the same time I lived here: “Which I kind of forgot about (I had health issues for a time)”

Until the White Witch of LA reminded me that zxxnz’s always cool in LA.


We are [Wait one,.. Video moment] 

icicle works
iClick for music video please

I was raised with the traditional dual religions + and it was some of the best experiences and the worst experiences you can have as a human being on planet earth because we are the real people in the real religions. A lot of kids today want to actually play Magic and Witchcraft, Witches and Wizards NOT Cops and Robbers.  Younger mom’s and dad’s like it and that’s fine by me. I am currently playing this playlist from the video above. So if you see older famous Witches and Wizards be nice first and they will be nice back.

I am still living in the wrong town, some Christians will not talk to Magic and Witchcraft people. It’s against their religion to talk to you, so if they know you are a Pagan Neo-Pagan or a Witch it’s about the same as being an American Indian or any other indigenous faith group or ethnic faith group. The town where I live is fine, there are only a couple of town departments where the people are prejudiced against Magic and Witchcraft, Witches and Wizards.
This is why we are closed off people.

In 2017 Pagan, Neo-Pagan, Wicca became legal U. S. A. military faiths.

We did it for these kinds of people In Real Life:

Discover the Secret World of Zagreb Witches | Croatia Times A rather unique gathering happens every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 9 p.m. on Zagreb’s…


And these kinds of people:


We have a lot of fun but at the same time we take it seriously, can you please do the same?

Magic and Witchcraft News: Waking up to Magic.

Magic and Witchcraft News: Waking up to Magic.

This google news release started out as a re-purposed article with additional commentary from a second article about a woman waking up to magic, it might resonate with you and it might not. IF you are searching for a older more ancient way to align yourself with your own personal magic and witchcraft then you might consider this persons self revelation and journey as an example of a synthesis of a fair amount of newcomers stories or perhaps as a enthusiastic new person.

Whenever people identify as a witch on a Wicca path or a Pagan or Neo-Pagan path I smile and say: Congratulations Have Fun!
It’s a very popular subject and sticking with the stated intentions of All the Best Throw out the Rest I am showing you what that means.
Please be aware that the article was written by two and perhaps even three authors.

The original article was written by:
Sarah Durham Wilson: Bing,    Google,

This is where you should go:


This is the article that came over the search engine news services:

Sometimes this is the problem with commenting and clipping in this segment.
It’s a nice article but it has some provenance (1) issues as witnessed by this twitter post:

That said,.. it’s still OK to read it,.. but the attribution might be incorrect.

This is a link to Wendy Stokes the Last Listed Author:


I Am A Witch: Finding & Unleashing My Feminine Power

SHARES OK, so maybe you don’t know what that means. Five years ago, I wouldn’t have had any idea either. In witch speak, Goddess speak, wise woman healer speak, that means Happy Halloween. And just a few years ago, that would have sounded way too witchy for me, because […]


(1) a record of ownership of a work of art or an antique, used as a guide to authenticity or quality.