Take your hands off my heart

There are only certain people that can touch me there,
take your hand off your heart.

Featured image: Sky Spirit
Copyright 2018 gypsypagan.com

Take your hand off my heart came by today,..
So I get to a point where it’s a bit too painful for words and have to let it go. It’s a endless cycle of remembering and having to remember to forget.

I remember now at Camino Grove:
Take your hand off your heart.
Don’t ever hurt yourself, we will hurt them for you.
Take your hand off your heart.
If you take your hand off your heart, I’ll hold your hand if you want to so you won’t be scared of them.
So if we hold hands together in the pledge of allegiance does that count?
It counted then and it still counts now cause you held my hands.
“Take your hand off my heart”

Ethereal Signs in the Sky

A Crack in The Sky Story

I was thinking of a woman I knew when I was a child and the mystery of a mythical plate that showed a queen being brought to a offering site in  a chariot pulled by leopards.

This is what we were told 50 years ago, it was a mystery object maybe in a museum that related to our care and learning of Hekate Phosphorus (Hekate Aphrodite/Venus). We did not know what country it was from they didn’t speak of it because they were at war with their neighbors and it was the practice to not think hard about a country at war because of the spirit problem but we were told that it was a magic plate from a high place used in rituals. The story goes that the chariot pulled by leopards came from across a great plain with a queen and her daughters in the chariot.

What if we could put a crack in the sky was what we said.
To crack open the sky to see what’s beyond it during the day time because at night time the stars were there. To see the invisible worlds beyond where we were on 6th avenue Arcadia, sitting on the hood of a truck together facing west. The Magic 8-ball girl and I and someone else who was pretty special.

This is the sky sequence I received one day after looking at the plate and remembering the story as a gift. Please click the read more button to see the pictures.

Sometimes I am a bit slow to see things so one day there was a arrow pointing at the sun, so I ran and got my phone out and took a picture. Hold your phone so the arrow points to the right and watch what happens next. I failed to see her looking at the crack in the sky. The image or sigil was Alexander: the Vegina sun plate from Afghanistan. © Copyright 2019 GypsyPagan.com
Just forming from the sun
The interpretation is up to you. Click to zoom in and try to hold at arms length or about a 15″ picture at 3-4 feet away Supposedly you can see a leopard or a lion face. Who is the woman? Goddess, Ancestor, Spirit? It’s who she looks like to you personally.
Now she’s looking at the crack saying: See we did it together. Look at the Birds what do they look like in sea shells?

You asked for a crack in the sky, years and years ago: “What if we can put a crack in the sky? In the daytime.”

She is watching the sun and there is her crack in the sky.
Enough Magic for now OK? I get sad sometimes remembering our dreams for the future and what we talked about in the past, especially when things like this happen to me.

This is actually called private signs from god or goddess. It means something to you privately but is visible to everyone. They usually only last a few seconds but now that we have cameras we should take pictures. In terms of meaning and belief there are only two or three people who will understand what this means and it confirms our beliefs to us personally, no one else. That’s because it’s a private personal relationship with divinity and each other.

What does your world look like Xxxxxx8?
I want to see what it looks like to you.

Here is the plate you wanted to see and the moon and the sun that we were taught about a long time ago by some very special people when we were kids. We were taught that we stood for a number of different religions. We were recognized as their representatives of their cultural religious history. The religions may have not been practiced for a long time but we had to remember that to people from those nations we stood in for them whenever the crossroads was invoked and used.

[Originally published on November 30, 2017 Updated February 15 2019]

Links to explore:
Alexandria on the Oxus

Vergina Sun

Cybele or Rhea


AiKhanoum Plate Sharp The connection of spirit comes to mind,..

The Pagan Gypsy

The Pagan Gypsy

The Gypsy Pagan is probably best described as being an archetype, a recurring symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology. What people in the USA think of as being “the gypsy” are in reality a combination of myths and images that we ascribe romantic properties to. Indeed if a group of people as a culture self identify as Pagan or Gypsy or Gypsy Pagan we end up with mental images that are based on popular notions of historical periods embodied in myth and legend.

What we seemingly want in the USA is a return towards the woman as being magic and the man being the protector. Jung described this as the anima animus archetypes. This also circles around the subject of the phallic mother figure and Aphrodite’s phallic “daughter” Hermaphroditus, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite. We now more than ever adore warrior women who are able to assume theriomorphic sex roles both spiritually as well as in reality. Indeed perhaps this is a source of the occulted magical influence of women over men, the ability to switch into the role of the dark goddess or phallic mother without the man noticing. Indeed males used to look up to see the phases of the moon to try to predict how their sex partners mood would be influenced by the turning of the great wheel.

This explanation is fine in California but elsewhere in the world the stigmata of the word is stamped on people who do not identify with those two words. The problem with CoS in Socal was the hidden racism that we did not understand. It mostly came from Protestants and people who practiced Judaism. When I started this blog I was being reminded of old memories from those years.

(1)Theriomorphic (of deitiesthought of or represented as having the form of beasts.