Spell, Ritual or Spirit Candle Giveaway Sunday 06-20-2021

water flame

Spell, Ritual or Spirit Candle Giveaway Sunday 06-20-2021

“Blessings On Your Summer Solstice”
In the memory of a LaVey.
These are the small 4″ candles — you can go get one and light it in memory of a loved one. We do this as a positive thing for ourselves in memory of others.

We can’t light candles for our dead in a Temple or a Church. Think about it like a resistance candle if you want to. 

The Role Of Candles In Religion | Melt Candles
Candles are amongst the oldest human inventions still in widespread use today, so it makes sense that they?re used by so many major world religions.

Participating are:
The Crooked Path


The Green Man Store


Featured Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

Candle links:

Official Magic and Witchcraft News: DIY Black Magic Brain Surgery


Official Witch News: DIY Black Magick Brain Surgery?

The NCJRS Version of Witchcraft. Please do not use those materials they do not work.  Pagans, Neo-Pagans and Witches/Wizards please avoid at all costs. The NC JRS is not a child proof website. These are U.S.A. federally recognized religions.
I do not want my child to be taught about a religion from the criminal justice system using materials from 30 to 40 years ago. I do not want my ten year old being able to with one click and no sign up be able to open a R or X rated document (violence) without knowing about it. We fought this witch hunter war for years and years and had to call ourselves “Satanists”. To have it come back again because now it has been scanned in and the text is available? What’s next teaching kids about white supremacy and hate crimes by telling them how to do it online? The links are live below.
The general public started using these >>>Christian Law Enforcement Materials<<< 15 years ago probably due to lack of money. At the time that some of these were written and studied in California law enforcement had a vastly different political viewpoint. These are politically funded training materials and documents from mass murderer crime scenes.
Local Warning:
In Southern California people have been practicing the NCJRS Versions of Witchcraft and Satanism from materials they downloaded from the US Government’s National Criminal Justice Reference Service Website. It does not work and it’s  from the Serial Murders and Satanic Witch Hunt years in the late 1980’s and 1990’s.
There are even documents from local police departments like Glendale CA’s Occult Criminal Investigation Manual (Los Angeles County) that have been digitized and left out for the public to see. These were created with “extra funds” that were made available to police by politicians in the 1980’s and 1990’s to hunt Witches and Satanists. What they talk about provides a historical record about how crazy the Satanic Panic Witch Hunts really were and are.
Believe it OR Not Some of the Church of Satan members in SoCal practiced Witchcraft. Believe it OR Not The local Police departments used the Satanic Cult Awareness Manual as a way to harass “Witches” They still do to this very day. Here is one from Arkansas that was used in “Training” in Arcadia CA by PRESENTED BY: GAYLAND W. HURST, Ph.D. AND ROBERT L. MARSH
It ruined lives back then and is still ruining lives and loves today as law enforcement uses the cult materials courtesy of the U.S.A. Federal Government. Terrorists used it also.
These documents are in general inflammatory and harmful and should be removed to protect innocent Harry Potter Witches and Wizards lives.
They/You are practicing the illegal versions. Literally it boils down to practicing the Illegal harmful politically funded versions from the US Government’s website. It’s  DIY Black Magic Brain Surgery

Featured Photo: person-wearing-yellow-long-sleeve-top-2624281 Pexels
Ed: Quote: It’s a French Photo Actually Which Explains it Perfectly

Water Cooler Witchcraft:
It’s not that the Neo-Pagans were invaded by White Supremaciststhe police departments just wrote what the political money wanted at the time.
People with no money used the government version of something again.
Official Magic and Witchcraft News
Official Witch News
Witch News USA
#Political #Funded #Witchhunt #Satanism #Witchcraft #Law #Enforcement #Version #Satanic #Panic #Church #Satan #churchofsatan #officialwitchnews #misicko #kenya #slovakia #germany #Cevin #Kevin #Soling #Shakespeare #hijack #gilligan #lowbrow #content #slippery #when #wet


Copyright credits for some of the NCJRS content is provided by:
Gee is this Familiar or What? It’s the priest from Arkansas and his friends. I know police used to use the listed cult techniques on people.
Dale Griffis, Ph.D. – Tiffin, Ohio P. D. Detective Sandi Gallant Daly – San Francisco P. D. Lt. Larry Hones – Boise, Idaho P. D. Sgt. J. Hill – San Diego P. D. Kurt Jackson – Beaumont, California P. D. Gary Bradford and Jim Craig – U.S. Defense Investigative Service

Official Witch News: Is Everyone A Witch These Days? What We Can Learn From Modern Magic

Is Everyone A Witch These Days? What We Can Learn From Modern Magic

Official Witch News: Is Everyone A Witch These Days? What We Can Learn From Modern Magic

Ed Comment: Not a bad article about witchy – ness culture sneaking up on us. It has a Yoga Video, So it must be a Yoga Witch Person in the Wild 😉 A YWP at last! As always author info and links are included.

Ed: Selected quote from author Mary Hood


Naturally, the sweeping modern witch movement has received criticism that it’s a trend without teeth. Jessa Crispin, co-creator of the Spolia Tarot Deck posits,

“The whole Instagram witchcraft shit bothers the hell out of me. I hate a dilettante…It’s okay to take things deeply seriously. But people treat tarot, astrology, and witchcraft like it’s okay to just dabble in it, and that bothers me.”


She continues, “I don’t think what we have is a true witchcraft revival. I think what we have is a fad. I do meet serious practitioners, but they are drowned the fxxx out by dabblers. Tourists. In the way that everyone is a feminist while doing absolutely nothing to pursue or understand that ideology, everyone is a witch while doing nothing to pursue or understand that religion.”

Ed: Well — Illegal use of  F.A.D. word alert. 2 billion dollars US in Movies and Books? shhhhh on the F.A.D. word



Her critique reminds us that it’s never okay to casually co-opt something that is sacred to others, and for those of us who are new to any field or practice—especially one with a tortured past—listening more than speaking (or posting on the gram) can be the most respectful thing we can do.

Being a beginner at something is different than merely dabbling, however. Further, we don’t need to be a seasoned practitioner of a spiritual practice to take it seriously and treat it with the reverence it deserves. Like The Fool of the Major Arcana, we can jump into a new adventure with an open heart with a childlike sense of wonder—and come out better for having invested our time in exploration.


Shortly before her 30th birthday, a friend of sent me a tweet reading, “When women turn 30, they have to pick a subclass: sea witch, forest witch, fire witch, air witch, space witch,” to which I replied that her birthday would mark the birth of our coven. A few […]